Taekwondo space Yongmudo
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Open House - Previous Events

The holidays is our excuse to share our skills with others and generate some much needed good cheer for seniors struggling for that holiday spirit. Learn more about what we accomplished for the past six years.

Big People, Big Action!

2014: 7th Open House & Holiday Food Drive
We changed up the format a little: less time, more action.
Go to: Martial Arts Open House Includes Senior Nutrition Food Collection


Big People, Big Action!

2013: 6th Open House & Holiday Food Drive
It was tough doing better than our 5th Open House, but we did our best. Kids aged in range from 4 to 49 and were all over the mat: strikes, blocks, rolls, falls, jumping kicks, spinning kicks, air falls, and more!
Go to: Martial Arts Students Showed Their Stuff


Enjoying some delicious Korean food!

2012: 5th Open House & Holiday Food Drive
Without question: our most impressive event ever with the best action, the most raffle prizes, and, most importantly, the most food ever collected for this event. It was an enjoyable time for participants, parents, and grandparents. In the words of two parents, “it was the best demo we have witnessed so far, by far.”
Go to: Martial Arts Students Show Their Skills


Enjoying some delicious Korean food!

2011: 4th Open House & Holiday Food Drive
Big action and big prizes highlighted this event. Big action and big prizes highlighted this event. Big action and big prizes highlighted this event. Big action and big prizes highlighted this event.
Go to: Celebrating the Holidays with Food Drive & Mini-Camps


Traditional Martial Arts Action!

2010: 3rd Open House & Holiday Food Drive
Promising plenty of action, community service, and a new black belt, our 2010 Open House demonstration did not disappoint. We had a packed house of participants and split the group into “Team Griffin” and “Team Chuck.”
Go to: Martial Arts Open House Was A Food Drive For Seniors, Too


Same Center, New Floor, New Mats -- Awesome!

2009: 2nd Open House & Holiday Food Drive
Nuria’s Dance Academy joined us for a successful event featuring martial arts, dance, and tenagle (ping-pong/tennis) demonstrations along with food and raffle prizes. Highlights from the year before included a working heater(!), modern training area, and professional dance floor. We offer area families a truly unique, affordable activity center for all to enjoy.
Go to: Dance and Martial Arts in One Building


Carpet, mirrors, Flag -- Cold!

2008: Housewarming Party & Open House
This is the event that got our holiday tradition started: five demos (three taekwondo, two yongmudo), sharing lots of food and treats, and giving away raffle prizes. Our warehouse training center felt a little more cozy.
Go to: New Center Offers Martial Arts For All Ages


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PO BOX 1380 • MT SHASTA, CA 96067
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7th Open House & Holiday Food Drive: Dec 2014

Celebrate the holidays, MSMAP-style!
We invite you to attend our Seventh annual event in December 2014. Come see what we do and help make the holidays a little brighter for seniors in-need with the gift of food for the Senior Nutrition Program.

Jump Back Kick

Shorter Event, More Action
The senior ranks step up and offer the community some exciting martial arts action, loads of raffle prizes, and food for the seniors.
December 24, 2014; Mt. Shasta Area Newspapers

Yongmudo Throw

Ramping Up for a Holiday Tradition
Planning for a shorter, more action-packed event with lots of prizes and food for the seniors. Game on.
December 10, 2014; Mt. Shasta Area Newspapers

2013 Open House Action

More Creativity, More Heart-Pounding Action
Lots of participants, lots of raffle prizes, and lots of food for the Senior Nutrition Program.
December 25, 2013; Mt. Shasta Area Newspapers

Split Kicks

Getting Ready for New Things
We get ready to do more exciting stuff: jumping kicks, spinning kicks, higher dive rolls, lots more.
December 11, 2013; Mt. Shasta Area Newspapers

2012 Open House Action

Mission Accomplished: Our Best Event...Ever
The best demo, the most raffle prizes, and, most importantly, the most food ever collected for this annual holiday celebration.
December 26, 2012; Mt. Shasta Area Newspapers

2012 Open House Prep

Getting ready for our biggest event...ever
Our goal this year: the best event that we’ve ever done.
December 12, 2012; Mt. Shasta Area Newspapers

4th Open House & Holiday Food Drive

Highlights of our 4th annual event — lots of people, lots of food, lots of gifts. And, we get ready for our Winter Break Mini-Camps, a great way to burn off excess holiday energy. “With the large show of people and enthusiasm of the children, this is a great opportunity for service to the community.”
December 21, 2011; Mt. Shasta Area Newspapers

Preparing for the Yongmudo Demonstration

“We’re glad to help with our own special way of celebrating the holidays: Exciting martial arts action, giving away cool gifts, and, most importantly, helping to brighten the spirits of those less fortunate during this season of giving.”
December 07, 2011; Mt. Shasta Area Newspapers

3rd Open House & Food Drive Action

New Location, Bigger Action!
How much fun can children, teens, and adults have helping others in need during the holiday season?
December 29, 2010; Mt. Shasta Area Newspapers

2nd Open House & Food Drive Action

Bigger and Better
Our activity center expands to include local treasure, Nuria’s Dance Academy. We share demonstrations of dance and martial arts and hold our first, and very successful, food drive!
December 9, 2009; Mt. Shasta Area Newspapers

2008 Open House & Housewarming Party

The Start of a Holiday Tradition
We open our doors and welcome the community to our new, dedicated training facility — five demonstrations (three taekwondo, two yongmudo), food, prizes, and lots of energy.
November 9, 2008; Mt. Shasta Area Newspapers